Worshipers of God, Rescuers of Men.

Our aim is to be a worshiping community passionately modeling the Life of Christ through kingdom relationships, demonstrating the love, forgiveness and acceptance of God.


Welcome to the Vineyard! The Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Colton is a gathering of everyday people who love Jesus and enjoy the company of others. We meet in a casual environment where people come as you are. Join us as we worship the Lord and enter into God’s presence.

July 11, 2021 – In-person services resume!

As of July 11, 2021, we are meeting for services on Sunday at 10:00 am. We are excited to gather again in person. It’s great to see everyone as we join for Worship & the Word. Our Nursery, Children’s Church and Youth ministries are meeting in the sanctuary with the adults. At this time, we are asking everyone to wear masks for each other’s safety. We are continuing to post messages on Facebook and YouTube. Please feel free to reach out if you need prayer or groceries.

God bless you!

Join Us

Service Time

Sunday Morning Services: 10:00 AM
Light refreshments are served at 10:15 AM.
Child care is provided. Nursery, Children’s Church and Youth ministries are temporarily meeting in the sanctuary with the adults.

See our Ministries page for more information about what we offer.


785 N Colton Ave
Colton, CA. 92324

Parking is located on the street in front of the church and in the gated side lot. The entrance to the gated lot is on East B Street.

Contact Us

Address: PO Box 864 Colton, CA. 92324

Phone: (909) 824-5753